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山楂有上百種,生長於北半球。它的學名 Crataegus 拉丁文意即「力量」(strength),用以描述此木的硬度。它的花果葉皆可食,果常被做於果醬或釀酒。

作者:Nadiatalent , Public Domain






1) Kim, S. H., Kang, K. W., Kim, K. W., & Kim, N. D. (2000). Procyanidins in crataegus extract evoke endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation in rat aorta. Life sciences, 67(2), 121–131. 

2) Zou P. (2016). Traditional Chinese Medicine, Food Therapy, and Hypertension Control: A Narrative Review of Chinese Literature. The American journal of Chinese medicine, 44(8), 1579–1594. 

3) Chen, Z. Y., Zhang, Z. S., Kwan, K. Y., Zhu, M., Ho, W. K., & Huang, Y. (1998). Endothelium-dependent relaxation induced by hawthorn extract in rat mesenteric artery. Life sciences, 63(22), 1983–1991. 

4) Brixius, K., Willms, S., Napp, A., Tossios, P., Ladage, D., Bloch, W., Mehlhorn, U., & Schwinger, R. H. (2006). Crataegus special extract WS 1442 induces an endothelium-dependent, NO-mediated vasorelaxation via eNOS-phosphorylation at serine 1177. Cardiovascular drugs and therapy, 20(3), 177–184. 

5) Luna-Vázquez, F. J., Ibarra-Alvarado, C., Rojas-Molina, A., Rojas-Molina, I., & Zavala-Sánchez, M. A. (2013). Vasodilator compounds derived from plants and their mechanisms of action. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 18(5), 5814–5857. 

