小知識|排毒就是排出污染、農藥嗎?Post published:2020-02-03Post category:新知識 參考資料1) Ames, BN., Cathcart, R., Schwiers, E., Hochstein, P. (1981, Nov). Uric acid provides an antioxidant defense in humans against oxidant- and radical-caused aging and cancer: a hypothesis. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 78(11): 6858-62. 特別推薦點註冊天天自然成為『新會員』首次購物輸入優惠代碼,即可享專屬50元優惠! 註冊天天自然 IqNewFriend You Might Also Like 小知識|豬油要用板油還是用肥肉煉? 2020-07-16 小知識|大便放屁臭是正常的對嗎? 2020-08-05 小知識|孩子會鬧是因為個性不好嗎? 2020-01-30